Our Team

James Murphy

James has over 12 years experience in rapid manufacturing and prototyping. As HLH’s vice GM he is dedicated to ensuring HLH delivers the best quality and service for its clients.

James’ experience of various manufacturing technologies, western standards and Chinese business have enabled him to create a unique culture at HLH. James works closely with all the project managers and is always on hand when needed.

You can reach James at James@HLHPrototypes.com and T: +86-1501 853 1380

Matt Bechtold


When you are working with people and their businesses, a strong mix of skills is always essential. Matt has 20+ years of experience in product development, tooling, and a wide range of prototyping processes and optimization.

His focus is on great customer experience and excellent customer service, helping my clients achieve their goals. Located in Michigan and covering the Midwest.

T. +1 248-230-0772 | mbechtold32@gmail.com

Nissan He

With a background in mechanical engineering, Nissan is a great fit for a wide variety of projects.

A senior project manager, with over 8 years at HLH, Nissan oversees a team of project managers who have been involved with 1000’s of projects servicing industries such as automotive, aerospace, and automation, to name a few. An analytical thinking who tackles any project problem that may arise head on. Always looking for quick solutions when possible.

T. +86-755-8256-9129 x 814 Nissan.He@HLHPrototypes.com
UK Ph: +44 208 638 6480
USA Ph: +1 347 566 0959

Susie Su

Susie is full of passion for her life and she has been bringing that passion to HLH every day for the past 6 years. As a team leader her focus is to always deliver the best possible solution to any project her or her team members are involved with.

With years of rapid prototyping industry experience and a firm command of the English language, Susie is well suited to see any project through to the end and deliver a top quality result.

T. +86-755-8256-9129 x 819 susie.su@hlhprototypes.com

Sky Deng

With a major in English Sky has risen very quickly within HLH. Not just because she is a great communicator but because she has consistently shown the ability to solve project problems.

Sky started out with HLH on the sales team. Moved quickly to assistant project manager. Then worked as executive assistant to the GM and is now a project manager in charge of her own team. You will find that through effective communication Sky is always on the same page as the customer, which is a big reason she delivers results.

T. +86-755-8256-9129 x 886   Sky.Deng@HLHPrototypes.com

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