Advanced Urethane Casting Techniques for Precision Models, Miniatures, Toys & Figurines

Cast urethane parts are often used for industrial or professional plastic prototypes. But their versatility extends beyond these applications. They can also be used for manufacturing miniatures, precision models, figurines, and toys. With low up-front costs and the ability to deliver intricate details, urethane casting can be more cost-effective than injection molding when making those products. Moreover, it tolerates pigments well, allowing you to create self-colored parts with room for hand-painting afterward. This is why more toy designers and manufacturers are engaging our vacuum casting services to make projects such as:

  • Set pieces of figurines for tabletop games
  • Low-volume parts for miniature train sets
  • Automobile or aircraft scale models
  • Garage kits of robots and anime figures
  • Multi-component articulated figures

At HLH Prototypes, we offer a range of techniques to make specific cast urethane parts. Keep reading to discover what they are!

The standard process

Urethane casting typically follows three stages:

Stage 1: The master model is 3D printed using SLS or SLA, or CNC-machined

Stage 2: The liquid silicone is introduced around the master model and left to cure. After drying, the master is removed from the mold, leaving the cavity.

Stage 3: We pour the resin directly into the cavity or the cast to create the part or the object

Gravity-fill molds vs. pressure-fill molds

Two methods are commonly used to create cast urethane parts:

  • Gravity-fill molds are best suited for prototypes and items that require fast production cycles. In this process, the resin simply flows into the mold under gravity, making it straightforward and efficient for less complex shapes.
  • On the other hand, pressure-fill molds involve injecting the resin into the mold using a screw-type plunger or injection ram. First, we heat the resin in a bin or barrel. Then, a plunger pushes the heated, melting resin through a nozzle directly into the mold. This method is ideal for achieving more detailed and complex parts, as the added pressure ensures the resin fills every part of the mold.

Are you looking to manufacture figurines, miniatures, toys, or models? We’ll provide the cast urethane parts to speed up your production and ensure accurate results. Chat with us here to share details about your project, or send a message for a free project review.

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